
This policy only applies to information collected for the Ethical Consumer Group.

Personal information from users:
We only gather names and email addresses directly from you and with your knowledge. We do not collect personal information about you from third parties or without your knowledge if you only browse this web site. You must actively enter your details into a form and send it to us for us to gather your details.

Shop Ethical! app:
Our iPhone and Android smartphone apps require the following permissions: calling phone numbers (for contacting companies directly), taking pictures (uses camera for barcode scanning), full network access (links to our website, third-party websites and sending emails with your consent). These permissions are not used for any purposes other than those stated above. All user data gathered through these features is handled in a secure way and transmitted using modern cryptography (HTTPS).

Media/Networks Lists information:
We have a networks list and a media list with names and email addresses of contacts to whom updates of new features and content may be useful. Recipients can unsubscribe from these lists at any time.

We collect your personal details when you sign up for a newsletter or order books or other items through our web site. If you have signed up for a newsletter, we will only use your personal details to send you information in an email from time to time. If you have placed an order through our online store, we will only use your personal details to post your order to you or contact you regarding your order.

We do not ever give information about you to third party marketing organisations, the companies that advertise with us, companies you search for or any other companies whose names appear on our site. We will not give information about you to government bodies or anyone else unless one of the following applies:
• you have consented
• it is required or authorised by law
• it will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s life or health or
• the disclosure is reasonably necessary for law enforcement.
We analyse non-identifiable website traffic data to improve our services.
If you use the “tell-a-friend” service on our site, then you are revealing your contact details to the person you are informing of our site. If you choose to send an email or otherwise contact a company whose contact details you have found through our site, and you supply personal details to that company, that interaction is covered by the company’s privacy policy and uses and not by Ethical Consumer Group’s privacy policy (see scope, above).

Your choices:
You may access personal information that we hold about you or you can ask us to correct personal information we hold about you.
If you are on one or more of our email lists you may opt out of further contact from us by clicking the unsubscribe option in all emails.

Important information:
Our organisation is based in Australia and is bound by the Information Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act 1988 and also the Spam Act 2003.

How to contact us:
For further information contact us.

Last updated June 2024.